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01 October 2021
4 min reads

Different types of home remodels depending on your budget and needs

If you are thinking about remodeling your home, it helps to know that there are different degrees or levels to the process. No two remodels are actually ever the same in terms of scope. The nature of your Los Angeles home remodel will depend on your budget and needs. With that said, do you know how small or big you want to go on your home remodel? If you’re not sure check out the different types of home remodels below to get an idea of what you’re looking for.

The light touch

This is a quick, no-frills, low-cost budget process. With this remodel you are not looking to make any structural changes to your spaces. You are not even looking to change any fixtures or furniture. You just want to add a light touch to your home, probably just certain parts of your home. The objective here is mostly aesthetic. You want the place to look a little nicer. This remodel is therefore mostly visual. It entails some paintwork for the walls or maybe wallpaper, perhaps putting in a few lighting fixtures, installing some wall art, some faucets, and maybe fixing little repairs pertaining to electrical or plumbing systems.

Different types of home remodels depending on your budget and needs

The moderate remodel

The moderate remodel is as the name suggests. It’s moderate in its approach. It has a bit more substance compared to the light touch but it’s not extensive. This is where you’ll want to give the walls a fresh coat and add some light fixtures such as lighting and faucets but go beyond by incorporating new furniture such as seats, sofas, rags, maybe a dining set or a bed set, some wall décor etc. Some moderate repairs and servicing may also be carried out such as plumbing, heating, and maybe fixing some doors or patches of flooring.

The serious rebuild

This remodel is a bit more heavy-set because larger changes are expected. The changes are beyond aesthetic or moderate; structural changes are required in some areas. This is the type of remodel carried out in a space that you have lived in for some years and would like to finally make a change. In addition to paintwork, new lighting, and new furniture, fixtures such as countertops, kitchen cabinets, closet storage and sanitary ware (bathtub, toilet, etc.) may be upgraded. You may also be looking to replace the floor tiling, and maybe carry out extensive repairs to the roof and insulation. Some appliances such as water heaters, oven, stove, microwave, or refrigerator may be upgraded to newer more energy-efficient alternatives.

The gut and rebuild

This is a thorough remodel where a total makeover of the space is desired. This type of a remodel can be expected where an older property wants to be modernized. A lot of changes are expected, most of them quite structural. Here you can expect to knock down walls, tear apart the old kitchen layout, change floor plans, erect new walls, room additions, expanding other rooms and phasing out others, installing larger windows, maybe a home extension, room conversions for redundant space such as basements, roofing, and upgrading most of the electrical and plumbing systems including appliances. This is topped up by new furniture, paint, tiling, exterior work, and lighting.

Which of the above home remodel do you think your property needs? Book a consultation with us and let us help you design your home remodeling Los Angeles project in such a way that you get maximum value for your money.

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